ACC 151: Introduction to Financial Accounting

ACC 151
Introduction to Financial Accounting
(4 credits)
Class Size: 15-25

Faculty: Michael Chin, Assistant Teaching Professor, Syracuse University
Administrative Contact: Eric Young, Senior Associate Director, Project Advance

Course Catalog Description

Financial accounting concepts that aid entrepreneurs, managers, investors, and creditors in planning, operating, and analyzing a business. Emphasis is on interpretation of financial statements. Shared Competencies Scientific Inquiry and Research Skills

Course Overview

ACC 151 is an introductory course offered at the Syracuse University Martin J. Whitman School of Management. Students taking this course should have an average grade of “B” or better in high school math courses and be recommended by their high school math or business instructor.

ACC 151 introduces the student to financial accounting concepts that aid entrepreneurs, managers, investors and creditors in planning, operating and analyzing a business. Emphasis in this course is on the interpretation of financial statements. In addition to the use of a traditional textbook, lectures, quizzes and exams to deliver basic accounting skills, students are required to complete a comprehensive project that demonstrates their ability to analyze the financial statements of publicly traded companies and make an informed investment decision based on the analysis.

Pre- / Co-requisites


Course Objectives

  • Understand the basic accounting information system,
  • Have the ability to read and understand a set of basic financial statements,
  • Have awareness of the current issues in financial accounting and their impact on organizational stakeholders, and
  • Understand career opportunities available to accounting graduates.



Required Materials

Wild, J., Financial Accounting, 8th Edition (McGraw-Hill, Marjie Sullivan, 315-488-4167 or 800-338-3987)

Loose Leaf ISBN: 9781264111718
eBook ISBN: 9781264207053

Instructor Recommendations