MAR 301: Essentials of Marketing

MAR 301
Essentials of Marketing
(3 credits)
Class Size: 10-25

Faculty: Gerard A. Athaide, Adjunct Professor, Syracuse University
Administrative Contact: Eric Young, Senior Associate Director, Project Advance

Course Catalog Description

Exploration for non-Whitman students of the principles of marketing as a major business function and social process. Analysis of marketing forces. Marketing opportunities. Determination of price, product, distribution, promotion, and organizational policies required.

Course Overview

MAR 301 provides an introduction to the Marketing business function. The purpose of the course is to develop an understanding of how companies use marketing frameworks to create value for their stakeholders, e.g., customers, shareholders, and employees. Key marketing concepts and terminology will be presented, enabling you to better understand how marketing decisions are implemented in practice.

You will gain an appreciation for the philosophy and process of marketing and the impact it has on business, society, and life in general. In addition, you will be able to analyze how customers make purchase decisions and recognize how marketing strategies and tactics influence consumer behavior. You will also understand how marketing managers use an integrated marketing mix (Product, Promotion, Pricing, and Place) to create competitive advantage.

To achieve these objectives, we will use a variety of pedagogical techniques including lectures, class discussions and hands-on exercises. Also, I expect you to share your own “customer” experiences.

Pre- / Co-requisites


Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Know marketing concepts and strategies.
  • Recognize the importance of customer needs and wants as the foundation for marketing decision-making.

  • Understand the processes and techniques used in marketing decision-making.
  • Understand how value is created by the marketing of goods and services.
  • Recognize the complexity of marketing decision making in light of economic, societal, and ethical demands.

  • Comprehend the opportunities and challenges offered by international marketing.



Required Materials

Armstrong, Gary and Philip Kotler (2023), Marketing: An Introduction, 15th ed.
eBook ISBN: 9780137704408 (Pearson,, 1-800-624-0023)

Instructor Recommendations