MySlice and PASS


Admin PASS

Use Admin PASS to:

* View specific student information such as student I.D. numbers, course enrollments and lists of courses offered in your high school.

* Track the registration process for each student in real time, so you know who has completed registration and who still has outstanding forms or information due.

* Access accurate data for drop/add processes, where deadlines are critical.

* Get immediate responses to questions without leaving the site by using the chat function, which allows real-time conversation during SUPA’s regular business hours.

Admin PASS Request

Fill out the form Request Access to Admin PASS and mail it to us at:
Project Advance
400 Ostrom Ave
Syracuse, NY 13244

Admin PASS Request | Login to Admin PASS | Guide to Admin PASS

Disclosure: Please note that the information contained in PASS includes confidential education record information within the meaning of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as amended, with respect to students enrolled at or receiving services from your school. By accessing this information, you agree to utilize it solely for legitimate educational purposes, and that you will not disclose the information without the prior consent of the students to whom it pertains.


The MySlice system is SU’s main information system. Instructors must activate their NetID in order to enter MySlice. SUPA instructors must enter their official SU course grades online via MySlice. Grades may be posted only during set dates at the end of the semester. Instructors will be notified via email when the dates for posting the grades will open and close.

Login to MySlice here.

How to activate and use your NetID

MySlice Grading Overview

PASS for Instructors

PASS is SUPA’s main information system. Only instructors who teach SU courses offered through Project Advance have access to PASS. PASS contains class lists and, during open registration, a list of students who have registered for the SU course(s) they will teach during the current semester. PASS also allows instructors to manage their passwords and personal information, and provide upcoming seminar information.

Login to PASS here.

How to access PASS