

China Course Registration FAQ

What information do I need to register?

Information necessary to register includes student name, permanent home address, student and parent e-mail addresses, date of birth, home phone, and parent cellphone. Chinese students access the online course application by choosing China, the location where you attend high school. Please note that no Social Security number is required.

How much does it cost to enroll in a Syracuse University course?

The tuition rate for is $115.00 per credit hour
(e.g., a 3 credit course = $345.00)

International Academic Alliance covers all tuition costs for students at their participating schools in China, no payment is due from the parent.

Students at other Project Advance partner schools in China will be responsible for full payment before registration period is complete.

Who can register to take SU courses through Project Advance?

Course offerings are normally restricted to qualified high school seniors. However, students in their junior year are sometimes allowed to enroll in Project Advance sections of SU courses with approval from the appropriate Project Advance administrator and university faculty coordinator.

How do I register for classes?

Chinese students access the online application to register for courses by choosing China, the location where you attend high school. A Student Registration Guide is posted on our website and also distributed to your Instructor via Email.

Can I register for an SU course if I am not a US citizen?

Yes. All international students must register through the PASS registration system.

Is it safe to provide personal information on this website?

Yes. All information provided is encrypted before it is sent to us. We use VeriSign SSL certificates to guarantee this.