Tuition Assistance


Project Advance offers tuition assistance to eligible students. Eligibility is primarily based on federal guidelines for low-income families. However, students who are experiencing unexpected financial hardships, such as a sudden loss of employment in the household or sudden military deployment, should also consider applying. Funding is limited and applications are considered on a rolling basis.

Once submitted, the decision will be sent to both the student and parent via email. If approved, students will receive anywhere from a 60%-70% reduction in tuition. The application for tuition assistance only needs to be submitted once per academic year.

Required documentation:

  • Brief (under 500 words) personal statement describing your financial situation (i.e. why are you applying for assistance) AND
  • The most recent 1040 Federal Income Tax Form filed in the household (please obtain and submit a non-filing letter if you did not file your taxes)

Students and/or their parents/guardians can apply for tuition assistance in two ways:

  • Log in to PASS and fill out the form under Tuition Assistance on the left hand menu


If you have any questions about tuition assistance eligibility, please email us at

Haudenosaunee Promise Scholarship Program

Syracuse University has extended the Haudenosaunee Promise Scholarship Program to include Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA). The Promise seeks to make the rich educational experiences and opportunities of Project Advance available to qualified Haudenosaunee high school students. The Promise expresses Syracuse University’s gratitude and appreciation for the historical, political, and cultural legacies of the Haudenosaunee and honors the continually growing relationship between us.


Qualified Haudenosaunee high school students receive financial assistance of 90% to enroll in SU courses offered through Project Advance*.


  • Be a high school student with senior standing, or a home-schooled student equivalent to the senior year of high school for online courses.
  • Be a certified citizen of one of the Haudenosaunee Nations (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, or Tuscarora).
  • Reside on one of the Haudenosaunee Nation territories listed below for a minimum of three years prior to and during enrollment in SU courses through Project Advance.
  • Apply for the scholarship by the SUPA registration deadline (see registration page for deadlines).
  • You do not need to be a citizen of the US or Canada to be eligible for the Promise.
  • Download a Haudenosaunee Promise Application

Eligible Haudenosaunee Territories

Akwesasne MohawkOil Spring Seneca
Ganienke Mohawk
Tonawanda Seneca
Kanatsiohareke MohawkOneida of the Thames (Ontario)
Kahnawake MohawkSix Nations Reserve (Ontario)
Kanesatake MohawkCayuga Nation
Tyendinaga MohawkOneida (NY)
Wahta MohawkOneida (WI)
Allegany SenecaOnondaga
Cattaraugus SenecaTuscarora

For More Information

For more information on the Haudenosaunee Promise at Syracuse University, e-mail Tammy Bluewolf-Kennedy or call the SU Office of Admissions at 315.443.4844.

*NOTE: If you are no longer a high school student and plan to enroll at SU, you should contact Tammy Bluewolf-Kennedy.

To Submit

Please send your completed application to

Indigenous Pathways Program for Project Advance Students

In addition to the Haudenosaunee Promise Scholarship Program, Syracuse University Project Advance offers tuition assistance for Project Advance students from any Indigenous Tribe or Nation who meet the on-campus criteria for the University’s Indigenous Pathways Grant Program. See eligibility requirements below.

Instituted in 2020, the Indigenous Pathways Grant seeks to provide viable pathways to higher education opportunities at Syracuse University by offering need-based aid to Native American and Indigenous students from the U.S. and Canada who matriculate at Syracuse University.

Project Advance is pleased to extend tuition assistance support to its non-matriculated Indigenous SUPA students enrolled in Syracuse University courses at partner high schools.


Qualified Native American and Indigenous high school students receive tuition assistance of 75% to enroll in Syracuse

University courses through Project Advance.


To be eligible to apply, students must be:

Indigenous verified – Indigenous students who have self-identified and who have submitted a copy of a tribal ID card and/or letter from their tribal leadership verifying citizenship.

Students who are not enrolled themselves may submit their parent’s/grandparent’s information if the latter is enrolled in either a state or federally recognized Tribe/Nation.

Apply for the scholarship by the SUPA registration deadline (FALL: 9/27/24; SPRING: TBD)

As part-time, non-matriculated, i.e., non-degree-seeking students, Project Advance students are NOT required to submit a FAFSA form or CSS/PROFILE to document financial need to be eligible for the Indigenous Pathways Program through Project Advance. (NOTE: students who have graduated from high school and are planning to matriculate to Syracuse University should review all requirements for applying to the University’s Indigenous Pathways Grant at

Download a Indigenous Pathways Program Application.

To Submit

Please send your completed application to