FRE 201
French III (Intermediate French)
(4 credits)
Class Size: 10-20
Faculty: Christa Wirth, Part-Time Instructor, Syracuse University
Administrative Contact: Kennia Delafe, Assistant Director, Project Advance
Course Catalog Description
Continuing proficiency-based course which refines and expands previously acquired linguistic skills in culturally authentic contexts. Activities are conducted in French. Students cannot enroll in FRE 201 after earning credit for FRE 202 or higher. Shared Competencies Communication Skills; Ethics, Integrity, and Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion.
Course Overview
French 201 is a 4-credit Syracuse University course which allows students with skills at the Intermediate level to continue their acquisition of the language and to prepare them for continuing into advanced university courses. Intermediate level skills are reinforced by applying them to new contexts, but the focus of the course is the systematic development of advanced level skills.
Students are expected to read with increased comprehension connected texts dealing with a variety of factual topics and to write well enough to meet practical needs.
To reach these goals, activities will involve the use of film and video to develop note taking skills, summarizing and organizing what was seen and heard. Oral skills will be honed in extended discourse, paragraph-length accounts, role playing, and interviews. Activities will focus on understanding the facts, and details of narration and description. Production of texts such as letters, journals, summaries and reports will be systematically developed.
Pre- /Co-requisites
Course Objectives
By the end of the course students should be able to sustain understanding of main ideas and details over long stretches of connected discourse. They should be able to create with the language; to initiate, sustain, and close basic communicative tasks.
Required Materials
Mitschke, Imaginez: le français sans frontiers, 4 th ed, Vista Higher Learning.
Imaginez: Student Activities Manual, Vista Higher Learning.
Instructor Recommendations