IST 263: Introduction to Front End Web Development


IST 263
Introduction to Front End Web Development
(3 credits)
Class Size: 10-25

Faculty: Laurie Ferger, Assistant Teaching Professor, Syracuse University
Administrative Contact: Tavish Van Skoik, Assistant Director, Project Advance

Course Catalog Description

Principles for construction and publication of multimedia documents for the Web. Incorporate a user-based approach to planning, design, implementation and management with an entrepreneurial perspective and with a focus on client/enterprise. Shared Competencies Communication Skills; Information Literacy and Technological Agility.

Course Overview

Combining entrepreneurial methods with real world projects, IST 263 is an intensive course that covers the construction and publication of websites for the Internet. Students study and utilize a user-based approach to planning, design, implementation, and management of the websites, all with an entrepreneurial focus. Students become very proficient in HTML, CSS, and PHP, and develop their final projects utilizing a Content Management System (CMS).

Pre- / Co-requisites


Course Objectives

After taking the course, every student should have the ability and confidence to design and program a website for a small- to medium-sized business or organization.



Required Materials

jQuery: Novice to Ninja, 2nd Edition; Earle Castledine, Craig Sharkie

Hard Text – ISBN: 9780987153012

Beginning HTML and CSS, 1st Edition; Rob Larsen (Wrox)

Hard Text – ISBN: 9781118340189

eText – ISBN: 9781118340288 (Wrox,

Instructor Recommendations