Project Advance trains high school teachers to offer Syracuse University courses to high school students during the regular school day.
These are the same courses that the Syracuse University faculty offer on the Syracuse campus to college students. High school students have the opportunity to take a college course and familiarize themselves with the rigor and expectations that comes with taking a college course.
To check for the NCAA- eligible course at your high school, visit the NCAA portal here: NCAA Eligibility Portal
Full Courses List
AAS 112: Introduction to African American Studies
ACC 151: Introduction to Financial Accounting
BIO 121&122/123&124: General Biology I and II
CAR 102: Introduction to the Art and Craft of Animation
CHE 106/107: General Chemistry I
CHE 113: Forensic Science
CHE 116/117: General Chemistry II
CLS 105: College Learning Strategies
CPS 155: Introduction to Cyber Security ***
CPS 185: Introduction to Animation and Game Development ***
CRS 325: Presentational Speaking
CSE 283: Introduction to Object-Oriented Design
DES 203: Design Thinking
EAR 203: Earth Science Systems
ECN 203: Economic Ideas and Issues ***
ECN 305: The Economics of Personal Finance
ECS 102: Introduction to Computing
EEE 370: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
ENG 181: Class and Literary Texts
ENG 192: Gender and Literary Texts
FMA 158: Introduction to Film and Media Arts: Digital Photography
FRE 201: French III (Intermediate French)
HEB 101: Hebrew I
HFS 202: The Development of Children
HFS/SPM 327: Human Development and Sport***
HST 101/102: American History to 1865 and Since 1865
IST 195: Information Technologies ***
IST 256: Introduction to Python for the Information Profession ***
IST 263: Introduction to Front End Web Development
IST 322: Digital Marketing and Analytics for the Web ***
IST 323: Introduction to Information Security
ITA 201: Italian III (Intermediate Italian)
LAT 201: Latin III (Intermediate Latin)
LAT 310: Latin Prose Authors
LAT 320: Latin Poets
MAR 301: Essentials of Marketing
MAT 221/222: Elementary Probability and Statistics I and II
MAT 295: Calculus I
MAT 296: Calculus II
MAT 397: Calculus III
MAT 414: Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
PHY 101/102: Major Concepts of Physics I and II
PHY 211/221/212/222: General Physics I and II
PST 101: An Introduction to the Analysis of Public Policy
PSY 205: Psychology: Foundation of Human Behavior
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology
SPA 201: Spanish III (Intermediate Spanish)
SPM 205: Principles of Contemporary Issues in Sport Management
SPM 300: Introduction to Esports
URP 150/250: Undergraduate Research Program
WGS 101: Women’s and Gender Studies
WRT 105: Studio I: Practices of Academic Writing
WRT 114: Writing Culture: Introduction to Creative Nonfiction